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Business Development Representative



1 month ago
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Job Description

WalkMe (as a SAP company) pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) to empower business leaders to realize the promise of technology in today’s overwhelming digital world. Through WalkMe's guidance, engagement, insights, and automation, employees are more efficient, executives have better visibility into digital usage, and organizations maximize the full value of their digital assets to empower digital transformation.
As a Business Development Representative (BDR), your main goals are to collaborate with our Account Executives to open up important business opportunities for WalkMe. It will also require more strategy than a standard pipeline development role. You will be tasked with mapping out accounts we want to sell into and creating strategic plans for opening discussions with them. Your performance will depend on your ability to expand WalkMe’s client base. You will report to theBusiness Development Leadin our Tokyo office.

ビジネスディベロップメントリプレゼンタティブ(BDR)として、アカウントエグゼクティブと協力してWalkMeの重要なビジネスチャンスを開拓していくことが主な業務です。マーケティングリードのフォローアップの他、主体的に確度の高いアカウントをピックアップし、商談を開始するための戦略的な計画を作成することが求められます。BDRのパフォーマンスはパイプライン生成への貢献と売上への貢献によって定められます。東京オフィスのBusiness Development Leadにレポートして頂きます。

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