アカウントチーム、セールス、エンジニア、パートナー、コンサルタントとバーチャルチームを組み、部門間で連携しながら、技術的な観点で顧客を啓もうし、マイクロソフトのソリューションの価値をを実証し(PoC など)、技術的な決断を顧客に仰ぎます。
顧客組織の安全確保を支援することで、担当アカウントにおける四半期ごとの Microsoft Security の売上/利用目標を達成し、大きなインパクトを与えることを目的とします。
As a Security Technical Specialist, your primary goal is to win the technical decision of customers to purchase and use our range of security-focused solutions including AI, extended detection and response (XDR), ID, SIEM, extended security posture management (XSPM), zero trust and multi cloud security.
You will work within a virtual team of technical, partner and consulting resources to educate your customers at a technical level, demonstrate and prove our solutions, and win the technical decision, allowing the team to achieve/exceed quarterly Microsoft Security sales/usage targets in your accounts. You will make impact by helping clients secure their organizations.
Being part of this team will will allow you to strengthen both your consultative selling skills as well as your deep technical expertise across Microsoft and non-Microsoft cloud-based security solutions, architectures, programs, and technologies.