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Tax Advisory - M&A Senior Associate


Atlanta, GA

1 year ago
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Job Description

$100,000 - $151,000
As an M&A Senior Associate in our Tax Advisory practice, you will be part of a team working hand in hand with our clients to help them navigate the dynamic tax challenges associated with mergers and acquisitions. You won’t work on compliance and returns here! Instead, you will tackle a variety of complex projects related to tax advisory, business transactions, and strategy.  
While much of your day-to-day work as a Senior Associate will involve supporting the team through client engagements (think conducting research, developing presentation materials, and managing project timelines), you will quickly develop a strong advisory toolkit by regularly interfacing with clients, digging deep into their problems in real-time, and delivering ongoing thought partnership. With experienced leaders to guide you along the way – including a dedicated performance advisor – we are invested in accelerating your growth.

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