Your career is an investment that grows over time!
Wealthsimple is on a mission to help everyone achieve financial freedom by reimagining what it means to manage your money. Using smart technology, we take financial services that are often confusing, opaque and expensive and make them transparent and low-cost for everyone. We’re the largest fintech company in Canada, with over 4 million users who trust us with more than $50 billion in assets.
Our teams ship often and make an impact with groundbreaking ideas. We're looking for talented people who keep it simple and value collaboration and humility as we continue to create inclusive and high-performing teams where people can be inspired to do their best work.
Notre équipe de Succès Client travaille en étroite collaboration avec toutes les parties de Wealthsimple, en apprenant les subtilités de la façon dont nous construisons nos produits, investissons l'argent des clients et, surtout, maintenons la satisfaction des clients grâce à un engagement direct. Chez Wealthsimple, nous sommes des créateurs-propriétaires, nous croyons que la simplicité est mieux, et nous faisons ce qui est juste pour chaque client.
Il s’agit d’un poste contractuel, la date de fin du contrat est le vendredi 25 avril 2025.
Our Client Success team works closely with every part of Wealthsimple, learning the intricacies of how we build products, invest clients' money, and most importantly keep clients happy through direct engagement. At Wealthsimple, we are maker-owners, we believe that simple is better, and we do what's right for each client.
This is a contract position to start, contract end date is Friday April 25, 2025.