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BD & Sales Support
🌎Shanghai, China
4w ago

Job Description

轮岗  Rotation

销售渠道支持,商务拓展岗 Sales& BD Support

AlphaGrep is a quantitative trading and investment firm founded in 2010. We are one of the largest firms by trading volume on Indian exchanges and have significant market shares on several large global exchanges as well. We use a disciplined and systematic quantitative approach to identify factors that consistently generate alpha. These factors are then coupled with our proprietary ultra-low latency trading systems and robust risk management to develop trading strategies across asset classes (equities, commodities, currencies, fixed income) that trade on global exchanges.


销售渠道支持 Sales Support


  • 文件协助:协助准备和填写客户尽职调查材料、定制文件等相关文书工作,负责内部销售相关数据的计算和分析。

Document Assistance: Assist in preparing and completing client due diligence materials, customized documents, and related paperwork. Responsible for calculating and analyzing internal sales-related data.

  • 资料制作:负责制作公司内部的宣传和推介材料,包括但不限于PPT、产品管理报告、业绩分析报告等。

Material Preparation: Responsible for creating internal promotional and marketing materials, including but not limited to PowerPoint presentations, product management reports, and performance analysis reports.

  • 日常支持:支持上级领导的日常工作,包括及时下载、更新基金产品净值表等,并根据需求编制行业数据报告。

Daily Support: Provide daily support to senior management, including downloading and updating fund product net value tables in a timely manner, and preparing industry data reports as needed.

  • 销售支持与维护:协助推动基金产品的销售及后续维护工作,并完成公司指派的其他任务。

Sales Support and Maintenance: Assist in promoting fund product sales and subsequent maintenance tasks, as well as completing other assignments given by the company.

任职要求 Job Requirements:

  • 学历背景: 全日制本科及以上学历,金融、计算机科学等相关专业背景,优先考虑即将毕业的学生。

Educational Background: Full-time undergraduate degree or above, preferably in finance, computer science, or related fields. Students nearing graduation are highly preferred.

  • 责任心: 具有高度的责任感,工作认真细致,能够确保任务的准确性和及时性。

Sense of Responsibility: Strong sense of responsibility, meticulous in work, and capable of ensuring accuracy and timeliness of tasks.

  • 沟通与协作能力: 具备卓越的团队协作能力及优秀的沟通表达能力,能够在团队中高效合作并清晰传达想法。

Communication and Collaboration Skills: Excellent team collaboration abilities and strong communication skills, capable of working efficiently in a team and clearly conveying ideas.

  • 数据分析能力: 拥有一定的数据分析能力,能够处理并解读相关数据。

Data Analysis Skills: Possess certain data analysis abilities, capable of processing and interpreting relevant data.

  • 专业资格: 持有基金从业资格证书者将被优先考虑。

Professional Qualifications: Candidates with a fund management qualification certificate will be given preference.

  • 语言能力: 英语能力优秀,能够熟练运用于工作中的沟通和文件处理。

Language Skills: Excellent proficiency in English, with the ability to use it effectively in communication and document processing at work.


商务拓展岗 Business Development Intern

职责描述 Roles & Responsibilities

1. 市场调研与资料准备 Market Research and Documentation Preparation

  • 协助BD整理关于潜在broker的信息,准备与引入新broker相关的资料和报告

Assist the BD team in compiling information on potential brokers and preparing related reports and documentation for on-boarding new brokers.

  • 协助BD进行市场行业表现,竞争对手情况的分析,并出具报告。

Assist the BD team in analyzing market and industry performance as well as competitive landscape, and produce corresponding reports.

2. 需求跟进与沟通支持 Requirement Follow-up and Communication Support

  • 协助BD整理各个交易团队的交易相关需求,包括交易手续费调整、交易所规则解读等。

Assist the BD team in organizing trading-related requirements from various trading teams, including adjustments to transaction fees, and interpretation of exchange rules.

  • 协助BD与broker和交易所的沟通,收集反馈信息,跟进需求解决的进展。

Assist the BD team in communicating with brokers and exchanges, collecting feedback, and following up on the progress of requirement resolution.

3. 数据管理 Data Management

  • 协助整理、维护和更新BD相关的内部数据库,确保数据信息的准确和及时。

Assist in organizing, maintaining, and updating internal BD databases to ensure data accuracy and timeliness.

任职要求 Job Requirements:

  • 学历背景: 全日制本科及以上学历,金融、计算机科学等相关专业背景,优先考虑即将毕业的学生。

Educational Background: Full-time bachelor's degree or above in finance, computer science, or related fields. Preference will be given to students who are about to graduate.

  • 具备良好的数据分析能力和细致的文档处理能力。

Strong data analysis skills and meticulous documentation abilities.

  • 良好的中英文沟通能力,能够有效与国际合作伙伴和内部团队进行沟通。

Excellent communication skills in both Chinese and English, with the ability to effectively communicate with international partners and internal teams.

  • 能够用英文撰写分析报告和其他相关文档,确保内容准确、逻辑清晰。

Ability to write analysis reports and other related documents in English, ensuring accuracy and logical clarity.

  • 具备Office软件的基本操作技能(如Excel、PowerPoint)。

Proficiency in Office software (e.g., Excel, PowerPoint).

  • 对量化交易行业感兴趣者优先。

Interest in the quantitative trading industry is preferred.


Why You Should Join Us 

  • Great People. We’re curious engineers, mathematicians, statisticians and like to have fun while achieving our goals
  • Transparent Structure. Our employees know that we value their ideas and contributions
  • Relaxed Environment. We have a flat organizational structure with frequent activities for all employees such as yearly offsite, happy hours, corporate sports teams, etc.
  • Health & Wellness Programs. We believe that a balanced employee is more productive. A stocked kitchen, gym membership, and generous vacation package are just some of the perks that we offer our employees